Reset Button ~ Dari Ketidakaturan Menuju Keteraturan

Harus kuakui, ada saat-saat di mana dalam hidup disrupsi numpang lewat tanpa disangka-sangka. Rutinitas… dan ritme kehidupan, kini aku sadar bahwa terlalu lama kedua hal itu menjadi “taking them for granted”. Dulu aku sering dicekoki dengan ide bahwa rutinitas itu buruk, dan rutinitas itu membosankan. Tapi seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, setelah membaca beberapa buku, dan menyaksikan kisah-kisah orang super sukses kini aku tahu bahwa rutinitas itu penting.

Mark Zuckerberg misalnya, selalu menggunakan kaos dan celana yang sama sehingga ia tidak perlu memikirkan apa yang akan digunakan pada hari ini, yang berarti mengurangi mental load untuk hal-hal yang kurang berarti dan mengalihkan energi tersebut untuk hal-hal yang jauh lebih bermakna. Atau lihatlah film dokumenter Jiro Dreams of Sushi (2011), di mana Jiro seorang chef sushi dengan penghargaan Michelin bintang 3, melalui hari-harinya dengan rutinitas yang luar biasa. Ia berangkat dan pulang kerja pada jam yang sama, dengan rute yang sama, bahkan hingga gerbang masuk yang dilewatinya pun sama. Namun di saat yang sama, ia juga terus-menerus berpikir bagaimana sushi buatannya bisa menjadi lebih baik dan lebih baik lagi. Rutinitasnya lah yang mengijinkan kondisi pikirannya dalam single-mindedness. Kemudian dalam buku Grit yang kubaca saat ini (Angela Duckworth), di dalamnya ada kutipan perkataan seseorang “Sungguh tersiksa orang yang harus menetapkan apa-apa yang akan dikerjakannya setiap hari”.

Setelah sekian banyak pembelajaran, dan merunut perjalanan hidupku belakangan ini aku mulai merasakan pentingnya membangun rutinitas. Agar aku bisa menjadi pribadi yang lebih disiplin, lebih mandiri, lebih fokus, dan lebih efisien. Dan seiring dengan bertambah dewasanya diri ini akan semakin banyak disrupsi yang numpang lewat. Dan semakin cepat kembali ke jalur semakin baik.

Diawali dengan tujuan yang baik dan hasrat, akan mengalir tindakan-tindakan dan target jangka pendek, berlanjut dengan penentuan prioritas dan pencatatan. As for now, lets just push this button…. Kini saatnya bagiku menekan reset button ini, dan memulai kehidupan baru. Semoga hari esok ‘kan lebih baik, lebih berkah, dan penuh manfaat. Aamiin…

August 30th, 2018

Muhammad Radifar

Leverage ~ So Much Effort… For So Little Gain

When I ride my bike I often got wondered and amused that so many people around gave so much effort yet for so little gain. You see, most of the time I ride my bike I often use optimized speed. To make it simple, it is the speed where I can gain the most by sacrificing the least. The parameter? Well it is simple, everytime I found someone pass me by with very high speed, only to be catched by me few moment later. Then I’m also not getting catched too by many rider behind me, that means my speed is optimized.

I mean come on, why indeed… Why there are so many people spend so much energy, physically, mentally and emotionally… Just for so little gain? It is just stupid. Plainly speaking, that is one of the indication of how they doing their things in their daily life. No wonder if your life is so inefficient dummies! You spent so much for so little gain. It is somewhat resemble to aqeedah I think, with the wrong faith or wrong intention you can do so much kindness, and yet… Hell is waiting for you. Why recklessly driving if it is only giving you more sin, increasing your accident risk, accumulating the negative pray and curse from the people you angered and endangered. You might be safe for now but luck has its limit. Why spending your luck over such superficial thing?

I often tell the concept of Leverage to my wife, leverage, like in Pirate of The Carribean: Curse of The Black Pearl. Where Bootstrap’s son is actually the key to undo the curse and get the Black Pearl back in Sparrow & Gibbs hand. I often tell her that if we wanna be success we need to use as many leverage as possible. That way we can gain as much as possible with the smallest amount of effort. Things like focusing on the most important stuff, honing your skill, sacrifice your money and power for the sake of Allah, etc.

I guess that’s it for today, remember watch your step and don’t spend your energy too much for so little gain, and don’t spend your luck for so little gain either.

Dull Writing ~ Let’s See What’s Going to Happen

The truth is today I do not know what am I going to write. My mind is empty because of this long long waiting with so many uncertainties. Thanks to the nurses of this hospital. But I’ll try to force myself writing, and see what’s going to happen. I used to read that when you have a mental block when writing you should write whatever you can write, until that mental block is removed.

So this is that whatever: today I’m in a hospital since my dad needs to be hospitalized. As always this hospital located near the heart of Bantul city gave an excellent service. Which is nice. But due to some errors in nurse management here my plan to get to home in the morning to bring some necessities from home was failed. Albeit later in the evening the plan was finally executed, it just too bad I can’t get my daily supplies from my home in Sleman.

Oh well I guess that’s it for today. Better to write whatever than nothing. Consistency comes first. See ya tomorrow!